Course Goal: This course will introduce professionals in the fields of education, counseling or any other helping profession to Assistive Technology (AT). Participants will acquire a perspective of how AT can be useful in their work environments when providing services to persons with disabilities. In addition, participants will receive tutorials in the use of various AT applications frequently used in the field of education.
Course Objectives: The course
will be structured in three main components that will provide the
participants a more comprehensive view of AT. These components are: the
on-line AT modules, AT application demonstrations and personal research
- Participants will develop an understanding of the definition,
purpose, and function of AT.
- Participants will develop an understanding of the history and legislative influences
on AT.
- Participants will be introduced to AT devices and programs along
the AT continuum from “low tech” to “high tech”.
- Participants will learn about the models and tools available to perform AT evaluations.
- Participants will gain an understanding of the cultural aspects of Assistive Technology.
- Participants will develop an understanding of the ethical and legal standards related to the provision of AT services.
- Participants will learn about federal, state, and local resources regarding AT.
- Participants will learn about funding options and issues as well as
how to successfully request funding from third party sources.
- Participants will develop a more in depth understanding of four
types of assistive technology devices and software via live
demonstrations (see main course icon page for update on scheduled live
online demonstrations).
Course Training Modules: [Click on title to enter module]
This course
is designed as a guided independent study, meaning that the student can work
on each of the following modules at their own pace.
Module 1: Conceptualizing Disability: Attitudes and Awareness -
this module will review literature on disability-related terminology, as well as basic information of attitudes
toward disabilities and disability awareness.
- Module
2: Historic and Legislative Trends of Assistive Technology –
this module will discuss the history and laws related to the provision of AT for people with disabilities.
- Module
3: Assistive Technology Categories – this module will
discuss the seven different categories of AT as well as the AT continuum
while providing examples of each category along the AT continuum.
- Module
4: Computer Applications and Technology Access – this module will provide participants an understanding of the basics of input, output, and process
as well as AT options for accessing computers and and computer applications.
- Module
5: Assistive Technology Assessment – this module will present different models of AT assessment
with an emphasis on meeting the needs of students in school settings.
- Module
6: Overview of Assistive Technology for People with Various Disabilities
– this module will provide an overview of AT options for people
with visual, hearing, learning, mobility, and communication
- Module
7: Assistive Technology in School Settings – this module will provide a discussion of the application and role of AT in educational settings.
- Module
8: Assistive Technology in Work Settings - this module will provide a discussion of the application and role of AT in work settings.
- Module
9: Assistive Technology to Enhance Independent Living – this module will provide information about the role of AT in the daily activities of persons with disabilities.
Module 10: Universal Design – this module will discuss the concept of Universal Design and Universal Design for Learning (UDL).
Module 11: Evaluation, Support, and Assistive Technology Abandonment
– this module will discuss the issue of AT abandonment, the factors that
cause it, and how it can be prevented through proper evaluation and
Module 12: Assistive Technology Resources and Funding – in this module participants will explore and obtain an understanding of the different state and federal resources supporting AT. In addition, this module will discuss different strategies in the process of exploring funding for AT initiatives or interventions.
- Resources Page – this page will provide information on different textbooks, research reviews, and resources directed to the instruction or provision of Assistive Technology services to persons with disabilities. Also, this section will include different tutorials developed to provide professionals in the field of education general guidelines in the use of different AT applications.
At the end of each module, the student will be expected to complete an
assignment. Due to the self guided nature of the course, assignments do not
have specific due dates. Assignments are expected to be completed and
submitted upon the completion of each module in the correct order.