Module 2 – Historic and Legislative Trends of Assistive Technology (P.1 of 9)

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Module 2 – Historic And Legislative Trends Of Assistive Technology


Advances in technology have improved availability and access to technology greatly over the past hundred years. These advances have also enabled society be more effective in personal, professional and leisure endeavors. Often overlooked are the advances that support efficiency for most of the population and have made things possible for people with disabilities. Technology has become a means to an end in the process of obtaining and maintaining independence (Bryant & Bryant, 2003).

Within the realm of rehabilitation counseling and special education, Assistive Technology (AT) is traditionally described in relation to interventions that assist people with disabilities maintain, improve or increase function in areas affected by their disabilities. Considering the wide range of educational, employment, self-care, and independent living technologies available, AT should be acknowledged as having a profound effect on an individual’s well-being.

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