Module 9 – Assistive Technology to Enhance Independent Living (P.1 of 8)
Module 9 – Assistive Technology To Enhance Independent Living Introduction As indicated in earlier chapters, the primary purpose of any AT device or strategy is to help people with disabilities improve, increase or maintain functional abilities that lead to independence. Previous modules have discussed how AT can be applied in school and work settings. These environments are important, however it is also important to consider the home as well. People (not just people with disabilities) only spend approximately 1/3 of their day in a school or work setting, which means that approximately 2/3 of their time is spent at home or partaking in activities of daily living. Research suggests that if an individual is able to successfully negotiate his/her immediate [daily] environment, he/she is more likely to be successful in other environments [e.g. school and work] (e.g. Luft, Rumrill, Snyder, & Hennessey, 2001). Due to the important role AT plays in fostering independence and the effect this has on success in other environments, this module focuses on the role AT plays in helping people with various disabilities succeed within their home environments. |