Module 12 – Assistive Technology Resources and Funding (P. 7 of 7)

Module Summary

Over the past twenty years, great strides have been made in the AT field, making AT an important tool in the lives of people with disabilities. Despite advances in the field, AT products can be expensive, which often prevents clients from being able to obtain them.  Another consideration for educators and practitioners to keep in mind is that individuals that may need AT may not seek it out due to either their knowledge, or the knowledge of the individual making the recommendation not being current or thorough as it relates to proper AT for the individual in question. Therefore, it is important to understand how to help consumers obtain these products. This module provided information regarding considerations, and associated costs for acquiring AT. Specific considerations, such as assessment, justifying its need by reviewing related academic literature, goal setting, as well as potential funding sources were provided. A list of factors to consider when selecting a funding agency, and a sample outline proposal were also provided. This module also discussed systemic barriers that prevent consumers from accessing AT. Such barriers include: region (i.e. rural or urban communities with limited resources) and a lack of awareness regarding AT devices.

Review Questions

These questions are intended to help you review important material from this module, they do not need to be submitted.

  1. What are some of the barriers that limit the availability of AT?
  2. What are some  activities one can do in order to identify available AT resources?
  3. Which agencies or programs may provide funding for AT interventions or initiatives?
  4. Describe a program or intervention that will provide AT services for a person [group of people] and how you will address the issue of obtaining funding [use proposal guidelines presented in module as format].

Please complete and submit Assignment #12.
(Assignments should be submitted via the Dropbox. See Content/Assignments for more information.)

Congratulations! You have finished Module 12. This represents the end of the didactic portion of your online AT course. Following this section you will be asked to answer the course evaluation materials.

In addition, please make yourself familiar with the resources and tutorial pages. The Resources Page not only has all the referenced materials of this course, but provides a comprehensive list of other online resources, training, and references in relation to Assistive Technology. In the Tutorial Page you will find tutorials on the AT applications  available at the Iowa Center for Assistive Technology, Education and Research (ICATER). If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions regarding this course and the resources presented please make them in the course evaluation forms. Thanks and congratulations on your completion of this course!

Resources Pages

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