Outline for an Assistive Technology Funding
The following outline is intended
to provide an initial structure for the organization of ideas related to an
application to a third-party for AT funding.
REMEMBER that each funding
program or agency will have their own requirements, format, and specific
forms and that should be followed. This proposal outline
contains the most common sections in most AT funding applications is intended as a starting point
to help organize ideas. This outline can be used by an individual
seeking funding for an AT intervention or by an agency or AT center seeking
funding for a general AT application or AT-related research.
Purpose of Intervention or Program
– This section introduces the AT intervention (for an individual)
or program (for an agency or center) for which the funding is requested.
It contains the description of the individual or group requesting AT as
well as the purpose of the AT intervention or program. Since it is the
initial introduction, it typically does not require as much detail as
the justification section.
– This section describes the necessity for the AT intervention or
program for which funding is being requested. A justification should
include an in depth description of the AT user(s) as well as the benefits
and necessity of this intervention or program at the group or individual level.
As discussed on the previous page, this section allows for the applicant
to make a detailed case as to why the AT should be funded.
Literature/Research Review
– This section should include documented information demonstrating
the efficacy of similar interventions or programs. This section applies
more to the request for funding for an AT program than an individual
intervention, however, documentation of similar successful interventions
can help the funding request.
Methods – This section is where the implementation methods of the AT
intervention or program are described. If the AT is requested as part of
a research project, this section should be used to discuss how AT usage
will be implemented. For individual AT interventions, this section can
be used to discuss the support structure for the individual receiving
the AT and their role in the implementation of the AT. Knowing that
there is a strong support structure to act as resources and help promote
the use of AT is seen as a positive by potential funding sources.
– This section should describe both the program or intervention’s
short and long term goals and how progress toward these goals will be
monitored. Discussing goals shows that there is a plan in place for the
requested AT while also showing an expected time frame for use of this
device. This helps to convince funding sources that the acquisition of
this particular AT has been well thought out while also providing a
reasonable timeline for when funding will be needed for a replacement
barring unforeseen circumstances.
Intervention or Program Evaluation Methods
– If funding is being sought for a program, this section should describe
how the effectiveness of the program will be demonstrated. This
includes the type of data that will be collected and how it will be
analyzed. In terms of an individual AT intervention, this section should
describe how often follow up visits will occur and what these visits
will consist of. Providing this information shows a funding source that
there is a plan to verify that the provided AT is being used
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Funding agencies are
more eager to select projects that reflect their overall mission as a
granting institution. Before writing become familiar with the agency's
history and previously sponsored initiatives. This will save time and
will guide you in selecting a funding agency. |