Module 12 – Assistive Technology
Resources and Funding (P.5 of 7) |
Justifying the Need Obtaining AT funding is not always easy. A justification for the necessity of the requested AT is required when applying for third-party funding. Creating a well written, compelling justification gives the applicant a better chance to obtain funding. To improve the applicants chances, the statement should be written by an AT professional such as an assistive technology practitioner (ATP). Third-party payers will not fund AT without adequate documentation, proof of need, and the fundamental answer to how the requested AT will improve the potential user's functioning. A proper justification statement describes the person, his/her needs, why the requested AT is a necessity, and how it will help the applicant. This statement is the most important piece of the application because it gives the applicant the chance to clearly discuss his/her situation to the application reviewer who has likely never met the applicant and may not have experience with people with disabilities. What is Considered Adequate Justification for Funding? It is important that the justification statement be easily understood and clearly depict who the person is, what his/her needs are, and how the suggested AT can help. A justification statement needs to address the fundamental question of how the requested AT will improve the functioning of the potential user. Golinker and Mistrett (1997) identified six general components to help a justification statement best answer this question while describing the applicant's situation. These are listed as follows:
Other specifics need to be included in the justification depending on the purpose of the AT and the third-party funding source being approached. If funding is being pursued through Medicare, Medicaid, or private health insurance, the justification must include a medical diagnosis that is specifically coupled with the functional impairment being addressed by the AT as well as a prescription from a physician. When applying for funding through a vocational rehabilitation agency, the justification must include how how the AT will enhance the individual's ability to function in a work setting. Also, when funding is being pursued through special education, the justification must include how the AT will give the student access to a free and appropriate public education in a "least restrictive environment". The requested device must also help the student address their IEP goals. Including information pertaining to the six general components listed above as well as the required specific information typically results in a compelling justification that has a better chance to get requested AT funded. |