Module 6 - Overview of AT Applications for Persons with Disabilities (P.7 of 7)


Module Summary

This module provided an introduction to a wide variety of applications of AT.  Assistive technology and its component devices offer ways to improve quality of life for individuals with disabilities. They are used in a variety of settings, including the work, personal, and social contexts. It should be noted, however, one device does not accommodate all people, or situations.  These concepts of AT appropriateness were discussed in this module.

Definitions of broad disability categories were provided, as well as an overview of potential AT applications for these disabilities. Up to this point you have learned the history of AT, as well as its benefits for specific populations. With this background information you should feel more comfortable adding more ideas to your toolbox. The following modules will explore the different uses of AT. More specifically, we will discuss the role of AT in a specific settings (e.g. school).

Review Questions

These questions are intended to help you review important material from this module, they do not need to be submitted.

  1. Provide an example of a No Tech, Low Tech and High Tech accommodation for each category of AT.
  2. Using the examples you provided in Question 1, place them on the AT continuum.
  3. Discuss how the AT devices you provided in Question 1 can assist a person with a disability in becoming more independent. Provide a step by step description as to how this makes the individual with a disability more independent.

Please complete and submit Assignment #6.

Congratulations! You have finished Module 6.

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