Module 3 – Categories of Assistive Technology (P.5 of 5) 


Module Summary

This module discussed the categorization of AT both in terms of device type, and complexity. AT devices can be categorized in one of seven categories: positioning, mobility, augmentative communication, computer access, adaptive toys and games, adaptive environments, and instructional aids. These categories help service providers recommend AT options that will help individuals with disabilities to accomplish specific activities. This module also introduced the AT continuum, which groups devices by complexity on a scale from no tech to high tech. The continuum reminds providers to start with low tech solutions and work toward high tech solutions when recommending AT devices. Case studies were used to illustrate the importance of this approach. With the base knowledge of AT categories and the AT continuum gained in this module, it will better prepare students for Module 4, which provides an in-depth discussion of computer access, one of the seven AT categories. 

Review Questions

These questions are intended to help you review important material from this module, they do not need to be submitted.

  1. Define the seven categories of AT. Give examples for each category.
  2. Discuss the AT continuum.
  3. If two people have similar disabilities, why might high tech AT be a good option for one person and low tech AT for the other?


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