Module 11 – Evaluation, Support, and Assistive Technology Abandonment (P.6 of 6)

Module Summary

This module discussed AT abandonment.  This can occur for a variety of reasons including:

  • When provided with AT devices people with disabilities based their satisfaction with the device primarily on its effectiveness, operability, and durability.
  • People with disabilities who do not feel that their device is compatible with their needs tend to abandon the device.
  • Trialability, or the opportunity to use an AT device for an extended period before purchasing it, has positively impacted the  consumer satisfaction with AT devices. Conversely, obtaining a device without a significant trial period has negative consequences as it leads to abandonment.
  • When the AT user does not have access to reliable technical or professional support to help troubleshoot issues with the device, he/she is more likely to abandon the AT device.
  • AT users are more likely to abandon AT devices if they do not feel that they were sufficiently involved in the selection process of the device.

Further concerns contributing to abandonment include: frustration with the device, disillusionment  regarding the amount of hours necessary to properly train the device, and psychosocial concerns (embarrassment for having to use a device). AT abandonment is an important consideration, especially since it can be prevented by making recommendations based on the client's attitudes, abilities and needs. It is further important because some products are very expensive, by properly assessing consumers for AT, we can alleviate financial losses that occur through abandonment. The next module will talk about exploring state and federal resources for AT funding.

Review Questions

These questions are intended to help you review important material from this module, they do not need to be submitted.

  1. What is AT abandonment?
  2. Why should we conduct adequate AT assessments?
  3. What are some of the factors that contribute to AT abandonment?
  4. How can AT abandonment be prevented or avoided?

Please complete and submit Assignment #11.
(Assignments should be submitted via the Dropbox. See Content/Assignments for more information.)

Congratulations! You have finished Module 11.

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