Module 10 – Universal Design (P.7 of 7)
Module Summary This module introduced and defined the concept of Universal Design. This concept implies that people with disabilities should be able to use universally designed devices or environments successfully without any modifications. People without disabilities should also be able to access these devices or environments normally, without being affected by the accessibility design options. Universal Design is an important concept in today's society. Not only do universally designed products and structures benefit individual's with disabilities; they also benefit the general population. Structural designs incorporating universal design include: curb cuts and automatic door openers. These designs allow access for wheelchairs, but also baby strollers and grocery carts. This module explored Universal Design for environments, as well as in didactic instruction (Universal Design Learning). The seven principles of Universal Design were presented, as were some examples of UD and UDL were presented. The next module discusses the importance of performing AT evaluations and follow-ups. Review Questions These questions are intended to help you review important material from this module, they do not need to be submitted.
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