Programs and Courses
The Labor Center offers a wide range of non-credit courses designed for labor union members and leaders on topics including: steward education and contract administration, collective bargaining, labor and employment law, public policy issues, leadership development, organizing and mobilizing, and much more. If you are interested in classes for your union's members, several options are available:
Attend a Labor Center class at the University of Iowa: Open enrollment classes on campus
Each year, the Labor Center schedules several short courses and seminars on campus dealing with core issues facing workers and their unions.
Host a Labor Center class in your union or community: Customized classes off campus
Labor Center instructors can work with your union to tailor a class to your specific needs. We are available to travel throughout Iowa (and sometimes beyond) to conduct classes at locations and times that are convenient for your members.
Sponsor a Labor Center class through your Central Labor Council
Iowa Central Labor Councils are encouraged to host courses through a unique program funded by the Iowa Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO.
Download 2015-16 Labor Center brochure