Midwest School for Women Workers
Workers' Rights, Women's Rights, Human Rights: July 25-29, 2012
The University of Iowa Labor Center is pleased to host the 2012 school. Sponsored annually by the United Association of Labor Education, this year's school is held in cooperation with the Iowa Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO, with support from the Berger-Marks Foundation.
The school provides high-quality education in key leadership and representation skills along with opportunities for women from a range of unions to learn from one another and build solidarity.
Program Brochure and Registration Form
Download program brochure and registration form here
Please register by July 9 to insure availability of housing. Registrations received after July 9 will be accepted on a space available basis.
Tuition rates are as follows:
$350 commuter rate (includes parking, daily lunches, and one dinner)
$500 double room and board (includes parking, hotel, daily breakfasts & lunches, and one dinner)
$665 single room and board (includes parking, hotel, daily breakfasts & lunches, and one dinner)
Classes, Instructors, and Special Events
Participants will attend core skill-building classes each morning and afternoon throughout the school as well as numerous plenary and workshop sessions on current economic and policy issues affecting unions and workers. Special events will include an opening banquet and graduation luncheon, documentary film screenings, labor history and culture activities, and group action planning.
Agenda (posted 7-2-12) - download here
Core class description and selection form - download here
Confirmed guest instructors and speakers include:
- Judy Ancel, U of Missouri-Kansas City, Institute for Labor Studies
- Monica Bielski-Boris, U of Illinois, Labor Education Program
- Rosemary Feurer, author of Radical Unionism in the Midwest and director of Mother Jones: America's Most Dangerous Woman
- Gayle Hamilton, Wayne State, Labor Studies Center
- Michelle Kaminski, Michigan State, School of Labor and Industrial Relations
- Barb Kucera, U of Minnesota, Labor Education Service
- Jan Laue, Secretary-Treasurer (retired), Iowa Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO
- Elissa McBride, Director, AFSCME Education Department
- Corliss Olson, U of Wisconsin School for Workers
Scholarship Assistance
As of July 3, a limited number of scholarships remain available for women whose organizations are unable to pay the full costs of tuition. If applying for a scholarship, please download the appropriate form below and return the completed form as soon as possible. Scholarship winners will be contacted by email.
- General scholarship application (no restrictions) (download pdf) Funding available
- Scholarship application for AFGE members only (download pdf) No longer available - funds have been awarded
- Berger-Marks scholarship application for young women union members (under age 40) (download pdf) Funding available
Travel and Accomodations
By car or bus, Iowa City is approximately three hours from Madison, four hours from Chicago and Omaha, five hours from Kansas City, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, and St. Louis, and six hours from Indianapolis. Air travel to Iowa City is through the Eastern Iowa Airport, (CID), located in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Click here for driving directions to the Iowa Memorial Union (conference location).
Classes will be held in the Iowa Memorial Union, along the riverfront in the center of the University of Iowa campus and Iowa City's downtown. Lodging will be in the adjoining Iowa House Hotel, a full-service hotel with many recently remodeled rooms. School participants will receive complimentary parking, internet access, and access to campus fitness facilities.
Interpretation for non-English Speakers
Simultaneous interpretation in Spanish or other languages may be made available if requested at least one month in advance.