Assistive Technology for Independent Living
Assistive Technology to Enhance Activities of Daily Living
As discussed earlier,
activities of daily living include
eating, grooming, dressing, and maintenance of one’s environment.
These tasks are essential for all people and often taken for granted
by people without disabilities. For people with disabilities the
ability to independently perform these activities provides an important
sense of empowerment and self-worth. To be independent to the
maximum extent possible, people must be able to care for their own
needs in each of these areas.
For people with physical
disabilities, many of these activities have become either impossible
or extremely difficult and time-consuming to perform independently.
To make these activities possible, or cut down on the time spent
performing tasks, AT can often be employed. Most AT devices used to help
people with physical disabilities perform activities of daily living are
used to adapt the reach necessary to do the task, to adapt devices for
grasping or manipulation, to make two-handed activities into one-handed
activities, and to increase the pressure exerted by one's hands (Cook &
Hussey, 1995). Examples of AT devices that help accomplish tasks through
these adaptations include:
- Wide-handled
or angled-handled cooking and eating utensils to provide easier grip
- Anti-tip cups and plates to
prevent movement and spilling
- Suction-cupped plates to
prevent movement
- Dishes with built up sides
for easier scooping
- One-handed can openers
- Adapted button hooks
- Zipper and sock pulls
- Velcro shoes
- Grip poles or researchers for
grasping items out of typical reach
- Shower-bars
- Handheld shower heads
- Shower chairs
- Long and wide-handled combs,
brushes, and toothbrushes
- Long-handled dustpans and brooms
to minimize bending
People with visual disabilities can often have
difficulties with similar activities of daily living. However, the
difficulty is often in seeing necessary measurements, time, or the
difference between objects. AT devices are also available to help
individuals with visual disabilities perform activities of daily living,
- Large print and talking cooking clocks
- Color-coded measuring devices
- Speaking liquid level indicators
- High contrast cutting boards
- Braille and talking scales
- Braille tape to label food
- Bar code readers to indicate the contents of
packaged foods
- High contrasts rugs, bathmats, towels
Many of these devices, although they seem simple,
are extremely useful in helping people with various physical or visual
disabilities complete activities of daily living necessary to be
considered independent. It is simple to create many of these items as
well. For example, if someone is having difficulty grabbing a brush
because of its small diameter, the diameter could be increased using
some clay. Occupational therapists (OT) work almost exclusively with
people on increasing their ability to perform activities of daily
living. This experience makes OTs excellent sources for ideas for simple
technology or ways to adapt devices to aid in activities of daily
living. |
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Assistive Technology to Enhance Mobility
When discussing enhancing
mobility for independent living, thoughts immediately turn to people
with physical abilities that need AT discussed in an earlier module
such as canes, walkers, scooters, manual wheelchairs or power
wheelchairs to get
around. These types of devices are essential for aiding in the
mobility of individuals with physical disabilities effecting lower
extremity movement or fatigue.
When discussing mobility
enhancements for independent living, an often overlooked population is
individuals with visual impairments. People with this type of impairment
may not
have any physical difficulty moving, however they may have difficulties
navigating and orienting themselves. There are devices to accommodate
this functional limitation. Long white
canes are used to feel the path in front of the user to determine
upcoming obstacles allowing the user to adjust their path appropriately.
Guide dogs are trained to lead their users around obstacles while also
alerting them of upcoming hazards such as traffic at cross streets.
Finally, GPS-based talking electronic travel aids have been developed to
help people with visual impairments navigate while traveling. These
devices locate the user via GPS, allow the user to enter a destination
and then reads directions to the user such as "turn left here" or
"destination 100 feet ahead". Unfortunately, however, at this
point, in time these devices have not
provided significant upgrades over the long, white cane or the guide
dog, so they are rarely used. Another device, must often used to help
with orientation are tactile maps. These maps identify key areas such as
elevators or restrooms through raised symbols.
Whereas the devices discussed
are important mobility enhancements, AT-based strategies play an
important role in enhancing mobility for people with various
disabilities. As discussed in
Module 2
there are many pieces of legislation, such as
the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the ADA, that stipulate the
provision of total access for people with disabilities to public transportation systems, buildings,
and all other public and
private entities. Disability related legislation has worked
to eliminate architectural barriers, thus allowing people with
disabilities effecting mobility to live more independently. This has
encouraged inclusion through the establishment of least restrictive
environments through Universal Design, the designing of environments to be used by as many people as
possible regardless of ability. Universal design elements that
encourage independent living for people with mobility impairments
- Cutaway curbs to allow
people in wheelchairs to cross the street easier
- Elevators
- Ramped entry ways
- Wider doorways
- Automatic door openers
- Accessible restroom stalls
- Lower sinks
- Lower drinking fountains
- Lifts on public
transportation vehicles
- Braille labels on
important rooms
- Braille labels in
- Braille and talking
alternatives on ATMs
- Talking/Beeping crosswalk
Each of these design elements
has been incorporated into society in a manner that does not affect
people without disabilities. In fact, many of these design elements can
be helpful for people pushing strollers, riding bikes, or carrying
shopping bags. Ultimately, people without disabilities do not notice
most of these design elements, but they are essential in helping people
with mobility impairments live independently.