Module 8 - Assistive Technology in Work Settings (P.3 of 6)
What Employers Should Know About Providing Assistive Technology As previously mentioned, the ADA requires employers to provide reasonable accommodations to employees with disabilities. These accommodations typically refer to either an AT device or workplace modification or job modification. The word reasonable also covers the employers in this case. A reasonable accommodation is one that would not impose an "undue hardship" on the operation of the employer's business. Undue hardship is defined as an action requiring significant difficulty or expense when considered in light of factors such as an employer's size, financial resources and the nature and structure of its operation (EEOC, 1997). If the requested accommodation is seen as an undue hardship, the employer should work with the employee to find a solution that works for both parties. For example, an assembly line worker acquires a disability that requires him to use a wheelchair and from is wheelchair, he can no longer reach the part of the line he used to work on. If he were to request that the entire line be lowered so he could reach, that would be considered an accommodation that would cause undue hardship on the company. A better solution may be to find the employee another job within the company with similar pay that he could perform with simpler modifications. Assistive Technology Factors For Employers To Consider Providing employees with disabilities with work accommodations can do much more than simply bring a business to compliance with disability related laws. When forming a policy on AT usage and willingness to accommodate employees, the employer should consider these factors.
Showing willingness to work with employees can be a great benefit to the company, not to mention, it is the right thing to do. (Cleghorn, 2002). |