Assistive Technology
By federal law (IDEA/ NCLB) , every student with a disability is entitled to
a "Free and Appropriate Public Education “ (FAPE) in the "Least
Restrictive Environment" (LRE). Also, special education and other related services must meet the individual needs of each identified student. In order to ensure that the identified needs are met, a team develops an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). Services listed in the IEP are to be provided by the school at no cost to the parents. The IEP process is the means for providing the
AT students may need to receive an appropriate education (KATS, 2006).
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) (See Module 2 for a review) presents the following regulations regarding the provision of AT services in school settings.
The need for AT should be considered
on every IEP
AT should be included in an IEP if it provides the student with
a disability access to the same general curriculum provided to their peers without disabilities.
AT should be included in the IEP if it is deemed necessary for
the student to take full advantage of their educational opportunities.
AT can be included in the form of a
supplementary aid or service that can be utilized to
facilitate a student's education in a regular education environment
If participants on the IEP team determine that a
student requires AT in order to receive a free and appropriate public education and designate
AT as either special education or related service in the IEP, then the services must be provided at
no cost to the parents (KATS, 2006).
As a multidisciplinary effort the IEP team should consider the role of AT not only in the
classroom, but at home, and in the community, if needed.
Regardless of funding availability, if an IEP or 504 plan reflects a need for AT devices and/or services, then the district remains financially obligated to provide the necessary AT to the student.
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The IEP team should be comprised of all
individuals that are relevant (e.g. stakeholders) to the individual
student's education and success.