The G. Dennis Cooke Aquatic Ecology Student Scholarship is available annually to support research in aquatic ecology by a student at Iowa Lakeside Laboratory.
The scholarship was established in 2007 through a gift from G. Dennis Cooke, Professor Emeritus of Biological Sciences at Kent State University. Dr. Cooke studied limnology with Dr. Richard Bovbjerg and earned his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Iowa in 1963 and 1965. He attended Lakeside Lab from 1961 to 1964, where he took the Aquatic Ecology course and studied the ecology of microcrustacea in West Okoboji Lake.
According to Dr. Cooke, “I owe a very deep debt of gratitude to the University of Iowa, its Department of Zoology, Dr. Richard V. Bovbjerg, and the Iowa Lakeside Laboratory, for the exceptional opportunities to study and learn that they provided. My research and teaching career would never have been as productive or satisfying without my experiences at the University of Iowa and Iowa Lakeside Laboratory. I hope this scholarship will play an important role in the development of new investigators in aquatic ecology.”
Application Process
The G. Dennis Cooke Scholarship is available to any student in Zoology, Botany, Biology, or Conservation in good standing with his/her university. Applicants should e-mail a cover letter, CV, and statement of research and training goals to the Director. In addition, transcripts of all undergraduate and graduate courses and two letters of recommendation should be sent to: Director, Iowa Lakeside Laboratory, 1838 Highway 86, Milford, IA 51351. The deadline is April 15. Recipient(s) will be chosen by the Director and two other applicant reviewers.